愛德華 Hello, I'd like to check out that coat.
Edward 您好,我想看看那件上衣。
小販 Here you go.
愛德華 Not bad. How much is it?
Edward 看起來不錯。多少錢?
小販 800 NTD. No bargaining.
愛德華 Come on. I know you often charge foreigners much more than Chinese. A friend of mine bought this coat for 100.
Edward 少來了。我知道你們都算外國人比較貴的價錢。我有一個朋友也買了這件衣服,才花了一百。
小販 He must have showed you another coat.
愛德華 If so, I will go and find the one he was telling me about.
Edward 那我還是去找他的那件吧。
小販 All right, I can give you a discount. I'll give it to you for 100.
愛德華 That's quite the discount.
Edward 打的折還真多啊