泛讀(Extensive Reading)顧名思義可以知道它是要廣泛的閱讀,通過閱讀大量英語文章,來提高英語語感和擴大知識面。泛讀沒有什麼特別要求,關鍵在於一個量。如果能堅持
1. What is main theme of the article? 文章的主題思想是什麼?
2. How many paragraphs does this article have? 此文有幾個段落?
3. What is the topic sentence
of each paragraph? 每段的主題句是什麼?
4. Pick up the sentences you are most interested and analyze them. 挑選出你最感興趣的句子,並做分析。
5. List the important and useful words and phrases.記錄下重要的和有用的單詞和短語。
In Praise of New York City (Excerpt)It might appear to any casual visitor who may have taken a few rides about town in a taxicab that all New Yorkers are filled with aloudmouthed ill will toward each other. The fact of the matter is, though, that however cold and cruel thingsseem on the surface, there has never been a society of people in all history with somuch compassions for its fellow man. It clothes, feeds, and houses 15 percent of its own because 1.26 million people in New York are unable to do it for themselves. Your couldn't call that cold or cruel.
Everyone must have seen pictures at least of the great numberof poor people who live in New York. And it seems strange, in view of this, that so many people
come here seeking their fortune or maybe someone else's. But if anything aboutthe city's population is moreis more impressive than the great number of poor people. There's no need to search forburied treasure in New York. The great American dream is out in the open for everyone to see and to reach for. No one seems to resent the very rich. It must be because eventhose people who can never realistically believe. They'll get rich themselves can still dream about it. Andthey respond to the hope of getting what they see others having. Their hope alone seems to be enough to sustainthem. The woman going into Tiffany's to buy another diamond pin can pass within ten feet of a man without money enough for lunch. They are oblivious to each other. He feels no envy; she no remorse.
There's a disregard for the past in New York that dismayseven a lot of New Yorkers. Itis true that no one pays muchattention to antiquity. The immigrants who came here camefor something new, and what New York used to be means nothing to them. Their heritage is somewhere else.
Old million-dollar buildings are constantly being torn down and replaced by new fifty-million-dollar ones. InLondon, Rome, Paris, much of the land has only been built on once in all their long history. In relatively new New York, some lots have already been built on four times.
Because strangers only see New Yorkers in transit, they leave with the impression that the city is one grealy mindless rush to nowhere. They complain that it's moving too fast, but they don't notice that it's getting there first. For better and for worse, New York has been where the rest of the country is going.
這篇短文約500字。用略讀技巧,應該在2-3分鐘內讀完全文。文中用彩色斜體字,是閱讀時應該注意句子或詞語。此文主題是介紹紐約市及人們對紐約市的正反兩個方面的看法(This article is about New York City and both positive and negative impressions on New York from the people.)。瞭解短文的主題,就等於有一條線索,幫助讀者更好的理解文章。略讀是在大量英語文獻中,查找和選擇所需要的資料時,非常有用的閱讀技巧。