
目前分類:基礎英文一千句 (559)

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2011-05-23 488. I feel like eating an ice-cream. (點我聽發音看解釋) (3871) (0)
2011-05-23 487. I don't think much of the movie. (點我聽發音看解釋) (4280) (0)
2011-05-23 486. I am busy.How is your business? (點我聽發音看解釋) (3881) (0)
2011-05-23 485. Her family are all music lovers.(點我聽發音看解釋) (2422) (0)
2011-05-23 483. He had a good many friends here.(點我聽發音看解釋) (3586) (1)
2011-05-19 482. He found my lecture interesting. (點我聽發音看解釋) (4314) (1)
2011-05-19 481. He covered himself with a quilt.(點我聽發音看解釋) (5660) (0)
2011-05-19 480. Draw your chair up to the table. (點我聽發音看解釋) (6380) (0)
2011-05-19 479. You should look at it yourself (點我聽發音看解釋) (3953) (2)
2011-05-19 478. You look as if you didn't care.(點我聽發音看解釋) (7707) (0)
2011-05-19 477. Whoever comes will be welcomed.(點我聽發音看解釋) (4766) (0)
2011-05-19 476. What ever I said,he'd disagree. (點我聽發音看解釋) (6223) (5)
2011-01-24 475. We are divided in our opinions. 我們意見分歧。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (6378) (0)
2011-01-24 473. Think carefully before you act. (點我聽發音看解釋) (3504) (0)
2011-01-24 472. The teacher got a little angry. 老師有點生氣了。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (2040) (0)
2011-01-24 471. The sweater is of good quality. 這件毛衣質地很好。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (2571) (2)
2011-01-24 470. The price just covers the cost. 這個價格正好抵消成本。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (2826) (0)
2011-01-24 468. Talking with you is a pleasure. 和你談話很愉快 (點我聽發音看解釋) (5222) (0)
2011-01-23 467. Take me to the airport,please. 請送我去機場。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (3970) (0)
2011-01-23 464. My efforts resulted in nothing. 我的努力毫無結果。(點我聽發音看解釋) (5495) (0)
2011-01-23 463. Lying and stealing are immoral. 說謊和偷竊都是不道德的。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (8111) (0)
2011-01-23 462. Keep your temper under control. 不要發脾氣。(點我聽發音看解釋) (6889) (1)
2011-01-23 461. It is not so easy as you think. 這事沒有你想像的那麼簡單。(點我聽發音看解釋) (8051) (0)
2011-01-18 460. I'm sorry to have bothered you. 對不起,打擾你了。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (8893) (0)
2011-01-18 459. I want to have a part-time job. 我想有一份兼職工作。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (2725) (0)
2011-01-18 458. I have my hair cut every month. 我每個月都理髮。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (2850) (1)
2011-01-18 457. I fear that he drinks too much. 我擔心他喝的酒太多了。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (3506) (0)
2011-01-18 456. His talk covered many subjects. 他的報告涉及很多課題。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (5578) (0)
2011-01-18 455. He resolved to give up smoking. 他決心戒煙。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (3080) (0)
2011-01-18 454. He knows English better than I. 他比我懂英語。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (3841) (2)
2011-01-18 453. He is respectful to his elders. 他對長輩很恭敬。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (5256) (1)
2011-01-18 452. He does everything without aim. 他做事都漫無目標。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (6721) (1)
2011-01-09 451. Go right back to the beginning. 直接回到起始位置。(點我聽發音看解釋) (6508) (1)
2011-01-09 449. A wet road is usually slippery. 潮濕的路往往是滑的。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (5783) (1)
2011-01-09 448. A red tie will match that suit. 紅領帶會配那件衣服。(點我聽發音看解釋) (5057) (0)
2011-01-09 447. What's the weather like today? 今天天氣怎麼樣? (點我聽發音看解釋) (4322) (1)
2011-01-09 446. What do you think of this one? 您覺得這個怎麼樣子 (點我聽發音看解釋) (5032) (0)
2011-01-09 445. We look forward to your visit. 期待您的光臨。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (8157) (1)
2011-01-09 444. Truth is the daughter of time. 時間見真理。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (7989) (1)
2011-01-09 443. This work itself is very easy. 這件工作本身很容易。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (2426) (0)
2011-01-09 442. This car is in good condition. 這車性能很好。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (4698) (0)
2011-01-09 441. They charged the fault on him. 他們把過失歸咎於他。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (4041) (0)
2011-01-09 440. Thanks for your flattering me. 多謝你的誇獎。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (7393) (1)
2011-01-09 438. My watch is faster than yours. 我的手錶比你的表快。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (2748) (0)
2011-01-09 435. I've got to start working out. 我必須開始做健身運動了。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (5858) (0)
2011-01-09 434. It appears to be a true story. 這故事似乎是真的。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (5140) (0)
2011-01-09 433. I was late for work yesterday, 我昨天上班遲到了。(點我聽發音看解釋) (2266) (0)
2011-01-09 432. I have just finished the book. 我剛剛讀完這本書。(點我聽發音看解釋) (5030) (1)
2011-01-09 431. I have been putting on weight. 我開始發胖了。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (6684) (0)
2011-01-09 430. I don't have any cash with me. 我身上沒帶現金。 (點我聽發音看解釋) (3453) (2)