
綿綿冰  Mein mein ice

麥角冰  Oatmeal ice

地瓜冰  Sweet potato ice

八寶冰  Eight treasures ice

豆花   Tofu pudding

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愛玉   Vegetarian gelatin

糖葫蘆  Tomatoes on sticks

長壽桃  Longevity Peaches

芝麻球  Glutinous rice sesame balls

麻花   Hemp flowers

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魚丸湯  Fish ball soup

貢丸湯  Meat ball soup

蛋花湯  Egg & vegetable soup

蛤蜊湯  Clams soup

蚵仔湯  Oyster soup

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餛飩麵  Wonton & noodles

刀削麵  Sliced noodles

麻辣麵  Spicy hot noodles

麻醬麵  Sesame paste noodles

鴨肉麵  Duck with noodles

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稀飯   Rice porridge

白飯   Plain white rice

油飯   Glutinous oil rice

糯米飯  Glutinous rice

滷肉飯  Braised pork rice

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燒餅   Clay oven rolls

油條   Fried bread stick

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tie the knot 結婚

till the cows come home 很久

Times have changed. 時代不同了.

to a T 恰好地

to and fro 到處

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once in a while 偶爾

one and for all 斷然;僅此一次

one foot in the grave 離死不遠了

one way or the other 總要有一個辦法

open an account 開銀行戶頭

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know one's onions 精通某事

know one's way around 熟悉道路

know-it-all 似乎樣樣事都知道的人

lady-killer 引誘女人的男子

laid eyes on 見過

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I have no idea. 我簡直一無所知.

I haven't got the foggiest. 我一點也摸不著頭腦.

I know what I'm doing. 我知道該怎樣做.

I like the way you have. 照你原來的樣子就好了.

I lost you. 我不瞭解你的意思.

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